This morning Kevin and I were approached by our Children's Minister's wife to see if we would sub for her in Children's Church. Her little guy was sick and she needed to take him home (I hope he feels better soon). So, Kevin and I agreed to go down for her. It's sweet to see Kevin work with children and it was neat to see what Jordan goes through every Sunday.
So, we walked in and there were about 15-20 kids in there. They were ages from about 4-7. And let me tell you...VERY rambunctious. The boys outnumbered the girls, about 2-1. Jordan started by talking to them about the "5 Do's of Children's Church." He drew a hand on the board (this is so that later he can hold his hand up to remind them) and talked about the 5 "rules" or "Do's."
1. Look at Mr. Jordan
2. Be Quiet
3. Be Still
4. Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself
5. Listen
Now, let me ask you. How many of these things do you think any of the children did? The first thing I did, was walked in and sat behind one of the children who was touching another one of the boys. Kevin went in and sat with another child. I then pulled another little boy from across the room to sit beside me. His friend started yelling for him to come back over with him. They seemed to be out of control. Not bad, but not being familiar with the ways of these kids, that's what it appeared.
We sang, we took the kids to the restroom, Kevin got to play "guess what's in my head" with the kids to see which group went back to the room first. It was funny to hear the questions they would come up with and then the fact that they weren't listening to each other (or even their own questions).
child:"Does it have fur?"
Kevin: "Yes"
child: Is it a lizard?
child: Does it have stripes?
Kevin: No
child: Is it a zebra?
Even telling them that it was close to a sheep and that it has to do with Jesus got the response of "Is it John?" Needless to say, the answer was a lamb. This had to do with their lesson. Jordan talked to them about sacrifices.
Going home Kevin and I talked about this experience. It was interesting. My first response was that I don't envy Jordan doing this every week. And then we talked about how the lesson seemed to be a little mature for these little ones, but that Jordan did a good job bringing it to their level (and also taking it back to their parents). He said, "If you have questions about this subject, ask your parents. It'll be a good conversation to have with them."
All in all, it was a great time with these kids. I only wish I had pictures to share. :)
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2 months ago
Teaching kiddos about Jesus is such a great way to serve Him. Adam and I teach 5K and 1st grade (separately) every Sunday and love it! They really do say the darndest things. The coolest is when one of them asks Jesus into their heart and you realize you have had a small part in that.
Kudos to the both of you! Even this one Sunday makes a difference in their lives!
wow, blogging about children's church. I am speechless. Actually, I think it is great! Thanks again for your willingness to serve in children's church. Imagine what it would be like if we didn't do the "Five Do's", that would be ciaos. Today was actually not too bad.
Many thanks, K & K, and I look forward to having y'all in there again. By the way, your friend beth has a great perspective on children's ministry!
Welcome to my world! Its a great place full of pee, interesting questions, and love!
You have always loved working with the little kids. I think you would make a wonderful leader in the children's church.
I love the 5 Dos. If I can get a job and go back to work I think I might try those instead of posting as "Rules". I like the hand symbol. I think they would be able to relate to that better.
I didn't know you had a blog till i looked at nenas today! How exciting! I was going to try to help out with vbs at my church, but from simpsonville it is too far for every day! That sounds like fun, i bet you have a new meaning for "kids say the darndest thing"! I hope everything is going well with the baby! you have to read my blog from today!
I know those kids, and I know they are a handful. I can't imagine what it would be like to have them after they have already sat through one lesson! I do like the hand thing Jordan does and will probably use that next year. Cuz me? I'm off for the next four weeks. =)
Btw, thanks for the sweet comment. I'll be answering your question on Sunday!
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