Kevin and I just got home from our weekend in South Carolina. These whirlwind trips are starting to wear on me, but still had a great time. I had intended to take our camera home with me and take pictures of the weekend to post here, but I forgot the camera, so you're just going to have to read. Enjoy.
Friday, we both got off work early and left about 4 to go to SC. We arrived at my parents house (almost exhausted) at 8:30. My mom had cooked Sloppy Joes for dinner and so we ate some when we arrived. We watched some television and talked to my mom and stepdad for a while before going to bed.
Saturday: We woke up early and ate breakfast with my mom and stepdad and then got ready and left for a lot of driving! We went to Anderson to see my grandmother. It had been a few trips since we'd seen her. We spent a couple of hours with her just talking and laughing. Kayden kicked me a couple of times and my grandmother laughed at me because I kept jumping. It was fun.
After we left my grandmother's we met my daddy for lunch. That was good too. It was nice to see him and have a great lunch too. It was also nice to have free lunch, right?
After lunch we drove 2 hours to Union to see Kevin's family and some friends. On the way to Union we stopped at Starbucks. I was so excited. My sugar was good and I was going to be able to get my favorite drink. Well, we found out when we got there that they no longer make frappaccinos in decaf because "it's not popular." Well, I had my first breakdown in almost a month. I had to leave the store and go to the car before I made a complete idiot out of myself. Well, my sweet husband told them that I am pregnant and so they made it for me special and didn't charge him. It was a good thing they didn't charge him because in making it, they forgot the sugar and the mocha. It tasted like cold coffee with milk in it. I had to put some of Kevin's drink in mine and stir it up to make it bareable. But it was still sweet that he did that for me. So, after that, we went on to Union and met his mom at a pool party. It was funny because we were around all these crazy couples who were our parents age. :) It was nice to be in the pool and just chilling for a while.
After a couple of hours at the pool party we went to a church in Union to be with some of Kevin's friends. We had dinner with them. We laughed at some stories that they told about their days in college together and told some stories about how we got together. It was fun to meet some of Kevin's friends and see him interact with them.
After we left there, we went to see Kevin's daddy and stepmom. It was nice to sit and talk with them, but it made for a really long night. We got back to my mom's at 11 and we were both exhausted. We went to bed right after we got there.
Sunday: We went to church with my parents at the church I was a member of when I lived in SC. It was nice to be there and see some familiar faces and get some hugs from some people. They are also in their new sanctuary. It was huge and beautiful. It was nice to see it.
Kevin and I didn't stay for Sunday School so we picked my nephew up from the nursery right after service so we could spend some time with him before we had to come back. He has soooo much energy and he's so incredibly funny to be 2 1/2 years old. When we got back to "G'ama Nena's" I asked him what he wanted to play and he said "I wanna" This meant that he would get on the floor and crawl around and pant like a dog. He chased my mom's dog around and when she started growling at him he got mad. Then he started eating. That boy ate so much. It didn't hurt that he didn't eat breakfast before church, but I couldn't believe how much he ate. He played hard. We watched a couple of his favorite cartoons and tried to get him to lay down (to no avail). But it was fun to be around him. He is so loving and sweet.
At 1:30 we went to City Range with my college roommate (Erica) and her husband and daughter and also her mama and daddy. My mom and stepdad and my stepsister and nephew went with us as well. It was so good to see Erica and catch up with her. She lives in Texas and since college I haven't gotten to see her that often. She is awesome and I wish I could see her more.
After lunch, Kevin and I left to come back to Wake Forest. So, now we're back home and I'm exhausted (and even more after having typed all of that). :) We're now watching Army Wives which is my favorite show. And pretty soon going to bed to start the work week.
Have a great week everyone!
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