Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So, I'm realizing that I'm much different from a lot of other moms. I'm not really sleep deprived. Kbug sleeps like a champ...most of the time. She takes at least 2 long naps a day (usually from 11-2 and then again from 4ish- 6ish). Then she sleeps in 3-6 hour intravals during the night. When she wakes up at night, she usually eats and then goes right back to sleep. However, on Sunday I noticed something very important. Kbug didn't take her normal naps on Sunday because we were at church during the first nap time. She wasn't having any part of her nap during that time. You see, Kbug has just this past weekend started discovering her world and she wanted to see EVERYTHING. She wasn't content to be cuddled in my arms, she wanted to be up where she could see. So, since she didn't take a nap that morning, she was too tired and restless to take her afternoon nap. Since she didn't take a long nap in the afternoon she was too tired and restless to sleep on Sunday night. I would have personally thought that more naps would equal less sleeping at night. However, what I have found is that more naps during the day equals more sleep at night. Yesterday I tested this theory. I woke her up at 9:30 yesterday morning so that she would take her morning nap. She slept from 12:30-3:30. I woke her up and fed her. She went back to sleep at 5:30 and slept off and on until 8:30. I woke her up, fed her and bathed her and then she went back to sleep at 10:30 and slept until 5:30 this morning! When she woke up, she ate and was back asleep before 6 and slept until 7:45!!!! This is ROCKING!


Nena said...

Enjoy all those naps. All too soon will the day naps be over with and the questions will begin.

The Welborn Family said...

Your mom is sooooooo right. And the questions keep on coming!

Randy said...

Let's see, you woke her up so she could take her nap. Now that's my style!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Sam is an EXCELLENT night sleeper- 11-12 hours straight but not a day napper. This wipes his mommy out, even though I get a full night's sleep. HA! I am working on getting him to take naps though because he gets grumpy and when he naps they are good long naps. They just don't occur often. He's been sleeping all night since he was 2 weeks old but the nap thing is an occurance during the last 2 months or so. Ugh! :)