I was sitting here checking my email and such before getting started with my cooking for today and was thinking about the fact that today is Thanksgiving. I was thinking about how so often I get caught up in the things that I need to do that I lose sight of the reason we're doing them anyway.
This Thanksgiving Kevin and I are staying in Wake Forest because the baby is due any day now and traveling just wouldn't be a good idea. This is not the first time either of us have been away from our families at Thanksgiving, but it's still hard being way. It would also be easy to get caught up in the pity party of saddness about being away from our families on this special holiday. So, I decided to take a few minutes to think about the things that I'm thankful for before I get busy for the day. Because I have so much to be thankful for, I'm going to limit my list to 10.
In no particular order....
1. I'm thankful to live in a country where I am still free to worship God in public as well as in private without fear of being thrown in jail or killed.
2. I'm thankful that Jesus loved me enough to save me from an eternity in hell.
3. I'm thankful for the amazing gift of a husband who is loving, kind, compassionate, strong, sincere, and flexible.
4. I'm thankful for the little girl who is still growing inside of me and will come out and meet her new family really soon.
5. I'm thankful to have been born into a family who loves me unconditionally and who raised me to love the Lord.
6. I'm thankful to have married into a family who loves my husband and has embraced me with open arms as a daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, cousin...
7. I'm thankful to have a warm and dry place to live.
8. I'm thankful for all my wonderful friends who love me no matter what.
9. I'm thankful to be a member of an amazing church who loves God, loves each other, preaches the Word of God and lives it out daily.
10. I'm thankful for my job. Even though it's hard, it's rewarding.
So, have you thought about the things you're thankful for today and everyday? I'm glad we have a day that we can set aside to remind us that we have so much to be thankful for...but don't forget to be thankful everyday.
OK, I'm off to cook Thanksgiving dinner because our friends will be here in about 4 hours. :) Don't eat too much turkey today!!! :)
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2 months ago
I remember a very cold thanksgiving in Louisville...
Happy Thanksgiving
I gotta serve up the megadittos to your top 10 list. I'm so thankful for a lot of the same things...have prayed for you, Kev, and Kayden. Hope the delivery goes quickly....
I LOVE YOU and I'm very thankful to have you as a daughter. I can't wait for Kayden to arrive. She is so lucky to have you as a mom. You will be a GREAT mommy!!!
I missed you this Thanksgiving. I will see you soon (very soon, I hope).
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