Saturday morning I woke up at 4am feeling a little weird. I was nauseated and felt as if I needed to go to the bathroom...but I couldn't go (I know...TMI). :) I slept off and on until about 7:30. We got up and I cooked breakfast, but still didn't feel great. We kinda took our time hanging out before we left to go pick strawberries. Oddly, I felt ok while I was walking around. We came home and ate lunch. I started feeling bad again. I tried to be "brave." We went to the hospital to see a friend's baby. She was so cute, by the way. Before we left, Kevin kept asking me if I really felt like going, but I really wanted to go. We got home and were getting ready for another friend to come over for dinner. I thought I had gas and needed to burp. At one point I laid down on the floor and asked Kevin to beat my back. He did, and Kayden helped. :) It was actually cute and I would've swooned over it except I felt horrible. My friend called and I told her to go ahead and come over even though I wasn't feeling great. This turned out to be a good move. I started feeling much worse (luckily I hadn't eaten dinner). I looked at Kevin and Nina and told them that I felt like I needed to go to the ER. They both agreed. Nina googled and found that all of the symptoms I was having were from either gall stones or a gallbladder attack.
We got to the ER about 7:00pm. I was in so much pain by then that I asked for a wheelchair and I was in tears. We told them that we thought I had gallbladder issues. We only really sat in the waiting room about 15 minutes before triage, but it felt like about 15 hours. WakeMed North has a wonderful ER. After triage they sent me back out to the waiting room where we sat for probably another 15 minutes before they got me to a room. Again...not bad, but I felt horrible so it felt like a lot longer. On a side note...they use the pager system like you would have at a restaurant. It's kinda cool and a good way to protect privacy.
When we finally made it back to a room we told the MD that we thought I had gallbladder issues. He asked me some questions about my pain and where it was. He told me that it sounds like gallbladder, but he will get me some pain meds and then they will do an ultrasound. I told him that I would be his best friend if he would get me some pain meds. He responded, "Now, that's an offer I can't refuse." And then he walked out. About 5 minutes later the nurse came in with some meds for my pain and my nausea. It didn't completely get rid of either one. So, later she came back with some more pain meds that had nausea meds in them. That completely got rid of my pain, but it also made me extremely anxious. I all of a sudden told Kevin that I couldn't stay there anymore. I jumped up and told him that I felt like I could run a marathon as I was jumping up and down with an IV sticking in my arm. He was freaking out and hit the nurse call button as fast as he possibly could. :)
So, she brought me some Adivan. WONDERFUL medicine. After that all I wanted to do was sleep. But no can do. The Ultrasound tech was not so gentle and kept trying to give me commands. "Kayte, take a deep breath and hold it. Now, Kayte, Breath." Over and over again. I have no idea if I was actually doing what she was asking me to do and I remember one time actually thinking that I was supposed to be holding my breath and very aware that I definately was not. :) She also kept digging into my ribs and I kept telling her it was hurting. She, however, only apologized and kept going.
Long story, coming to an end, it is gallstones. I met with a surgeon yesterday who said he could do 1 of 2 things. He can do nothing which according to him "isn't really doing anything" or he could take the gallbladder out. I voted for taking the gallbladder out. So, Dr. Roy with WakeMed Surgery will be taking my gallbladder out on Friday, May 7 at 7:30 in the morning. This is the day before my birthday, so the one thing I will be guaranteed is that I get to be lazy and pampered on my birthday and Mother's Day. :)
Please pray for me that everything will go well. Pray for my sweet husband who is worried about me. :) Pray for the surgeon that he will have steady hands, lots of rest the night before and wisdom during the surgery. This is an extremely common surgery (a lot of people I've talked to this week have had it done). I'm confident in the surgeon but most of all I'm confident in my God who will protect me and sustain me within His will. :)
Thanks for your prayers. Thanks also for reading this long post. :)
Until next time...
Xóc Đĩa – Chơi Xóc Đĩa Online Luôn Thắng
2 months ago
Goodness! I'm so glad you were well cared for, and I'll pray for a wonderful surgery and no more pain (or marathons with IV's). :-)
Thanks, Christy. Surgery went well. Hope you guys are doing well.
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