I shared with you last week about my goals for 2010. I am doing fairly well. I've gotten a little behind in my reading plan, but I will get caught back up before the weekend. I've only missed a day or maybe 2. But it's better than I've ever been before when I've resolved to read my Bible every day or read through the Bible in a year.
The one resolution that I've kept faithfully so far is reading to Kayden. We're making our way through the Veggie Tales Bible Storybook. It is a great little resource. I like it because it has a page for the "problem" then it tells the Veggie Tales story (from the movie) then the same story from the Bible (it's a little paraphrased in preschool language and leaves out some of the more mature parts--ie killing, sexual sins, etc) and it tells you where the story came from. It then sums up the problem from the beginning using the lessons learned from the Bible.
Usually when I'm reading this to her it's right before bed while she's taking her last bottle. Then Kevin comes over and prays with us. Any other book I try to read her she either snatches out of my hands or tries to close before I can get past the 2nd line. :) I usually end up reading while she's giggling and running around the room. LOL
Well, this morning, my sweet toddler did the coolest thing. We were in the living room playing with her toys. All her toys and books are in the same place (and I believe at the time they were all piled up on the floor LOL). I said, "Kayden, do you want Mommy to read you a story?" I was prepared for her to run away or shake her head "no" or something crazy. I started to take one of the books still on the shelf and just begin to read. Then, I noticed that she was going somewhere. So, I watched. She stood up, walked around me, past her toys and over to the sofa. On the sofa was her Veggie Tales Bible Story book. She looked at me again and patted the book. I said, "Do you want Mommy to read from that book?" She shook her head yes. So, for the first time...ever...she climbed up in my lap and let me read the WHOLE story. She even turned the pages (appropriately) for me as I read. It was the sweetest moment. Too bad no one was around to catch it on film. :)
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2 months ago
Hi - I found your blog through the Beth Moore one.
How sweet! I think it's a wonderful goal of yours to read to your daughter from the Veggie Tales bible - and that your husband prays over all of you at night - you are truly blessed!
Kayden is a very smart little girl who knows what she wants and can't be diverted away from it. I loved your story. Kisses from Grandma
Back when I worked as Family Christain Stores, we used to play the VT videos over and over, especially Josh & The Big Wall.....for months after that, I would read the story looking for the "Wallmanator 3000". I had to keep reminding myself it's from VT, not real - not real - not real......no grape slushies either!!! Ha.
K-bug is not only cute, she's already showing signs of smartness. That's a credit to her mom & dad, of course. But I can't help thinking her uncle-E may have rubbed off just a touch in the few moments we've spent together....
Keep up the great work!
What a sweet moment for a Mama & your cutie pie!
I found your blog via Jessica's. Good to *see* you here :o)
I hope you do not mind me leaving a comment for you...I found you on Beth Moore's blog. I just read about your insecurities with Mary Kay. I am so right there with you. I want so badly to be successful, but I too hold myself back. I refuse to talk to the women I think are "better" than me and pretty much I consider that most everyone. Perhaps we can grow together in this area...lean on and support one another thru not only this study but with MK. You can email me anytime, julie-ellis@marykay.com
Beelief in YOU!
I think you've found a sweet secret, at this age (especially at bed time), they like to be read to.
I like the touch of Kevin praying with you and all of you praying as a family. As Kayden grows, she'll be able to participate.
I wonder too about a prayer journal. I've never been good at that, but I think of it a lot. How many times (mostly in the Old Testament) does God tell us to remember what He has done for us? Seems like this applies to the little ones even more than us older ones.
I have thought about keeping a journal for her...but I'm notorious for starting something and then stopping...however this is probably something that is very relevant for her and that as she grows could be something very special for the 2 of us to share. I know several people who have journaled for and about their children (particularly their daughters) with scriptures, prayers, advice, and motherly love. It's a sweet idea that I think would be sweet for Kayden and me.
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